The recent skyrocketing abuse and exploitation of vulnerable and less privileged children in our beloved state, Plateau, especially trafficking for pittance, is deeply troubling. This inhumanity is unimaginable and a reflection of deteriorating cultural values, spiritual bankruptcy, systemic failure in governance and perennial source of posterity's disaster.
The Plateau I was born and bred up had strong values of respect, integrity, and unity; and its people were among the most respected in Nigeria. I vividly remember an instance in 1991, during my first trip to Lagos for the final selection of Police Cadets' interview. Among candidates from then 19 states, I was singled out and respected based on my origin and character.
That gesture was a testament of the venerability Plateau people once commanded before fading away.
Today, we must ask ourselves how we arrived at this tragic crossroads which eroded our values and projected us as savages who trade their children for survival amidst rich natural resources and agricultural potentialities.
The artificially inflicted poverty, lack of education, systemic neglect, and erosion of societal values have left many with no choices. However, no circumstance should ever justify the exploitation of our children because their values are unquantifiable being the bedrock of our sustainability and continuous existence.
There is no doubt that Children are tomorrow's generation and leaders who need proper grooming and direction if there must be continuity and sustainability of the state viably, progressively and prosperously. And in this quest, there shouldn't be distinction between societal status or class, because human resourcefulness is not exclusive in this regard. Potentiality for societal development is embedded in children which the genuine articles are manifested when granted the opportunities; but when denied, the society risks tasting the wrath of criminality the neglected children could venture into.
It is worthy of note that either ways the children are treated, it has huge impact on the society; meaning, the society stands to suffer when they are neglected and stands to benefit when properly groomed. The legendary pop singer Michael Jackson said, "I realise that many of our world's problems today from the inner city crime to large scale wars and terrorism and overcrowded prisons are a result of the fact that children have had their childhood stolen from them." Harry Belafonte said, "The economic benefits of investing in children have been extensively documented.
Investing fully in children today will ensure the well-being and productivity of future generations for decades to come. By contrast, physical, emotional and intellectual impairment that poverty inflicts on children can mean a lifetime of suffering and want and a legacy of poverty for the next generation."
It is time for action, not despair. It is time for us, our government, religious institutions, NGOs, and individuals alike to rise and reclaim our dignity. We need:
1. Community Advocacy
We must raise awareness within our communities about the value of our children and the far-reaching consequences of exploitation. Through education and open dialogue, we can restore a sense of responsibility and pride among our people.
2. Economic Empowerment
Poverty is at the root of desperation. We need sustainable programs that uplift families, create jobs, and provide economic opportunities. Empowered families are less likely to succumb to actions that compromise their children's futures.
3. Education for All
Education is the most powerful tool to break cycles of poverty and desperation. It equips children and parents with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive. We must invest in making education accessible and effective for every child on the Plateau.
4. Enforcement of Laws
The laws against human trafficking and child exploitation must not only exist but be actively enforced. Perpetrators must face justice, and victims must be protected and supported to rebuild their lives.
Let us remember: every child is a gift, not a product to be sold. This moment of crisis should be the beginning of a movement—a movement to protect the innocent, uplift the vulnerable, and restore the dignity of our Plateau community.
To my fellow Plateau people, we were once celebrated for our values and integrity. Let us not allow desperation to erode our legacy. Together, we can rise again. Together, we can give every child the opportunity to thrive.